Sunday, October 30, 2011

 10:24 PM   Anonymous   ,    No comments
Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh. This is an entry for my dear muzaffarians but still everyone can read this with full commitment. Haha. Well, dah 10 bulan saya tinggalkan sekolah bertuah di atas bukit tu. Rindunya. In two months to go, I will be celebrating my first year as the school's alumni. MOZAC is the darling in my heart. The passion that I have for it is unbearable. It is the place that change me completely. From an unknown person to the person I am now. It's been a while since the last time I write anything about my school. The feeling was triggered while I was reading the posts on facebook regarding to the recent Malam Seribu Bintang which is an annual event in school. I was slightly disappointed when the event was rename in 2010 to Malam Anugerah Muzaffar. I guess there's no harm in it. To be honest I always have great vision for MOZAC, I want it to be known globally. I wish to generate a culture for every Muzaffarians to be proud of. To guard our dignity and prove our worth. So while I was having a lecture, I created this group on facebook, MOZAC Union. It's a group to connect all Muzaffarians and clearly it is the stepping stone for my great ambition.

My objective of posting this entry is to share a note that I wrote for the Muzaffarians when I created the group.

Hasrat Mulia Tersemat Di Jiwa

  • Assalamualaikum and greetings.
    To my dear teachers, friends, seniors, juniors and Muzaffarians.
    I know, it must be weird for me to create a group out of sudden, but hear me first.
    I sincerely know I have no rights to create such a group that bear the great name within it. But someone need to initiate this idea. I know we have several groups related to MOZAC, but there is no such group that connect and combine all of us regardless of our batches, sports house, class, old boys or not, the fact that we are all Muzaffarians is enough for me to claim that we should be together.

    Think for a while, we are all bunch of great people under one great name, MOZAC. Together, we will be even greater than ever. We are not weak, we always claim that we are the best. Ada sebab kenapa nama kita Muzaffar. Whenever someone from MOZAC berjaya kita rasa bangga kan? Dan bila ada orang kutuk nama sekolah kita, kita sama-sama rasa sakit kan? Sebab kita berkongsi darah yang sama, darah anak Muzaffar. Bukankah sejak dulu kita semua menyanyikan kata-kata ikrar ini. "Bonda kandung yang kami kasihi"? 

    I know maybe all of you think that it is going to be just another useless group. It will not be IF everyone work together. InsyaAllah, dengan izin Tuhan, kita boleh! Dont you think that it is great that we can share everything among us. At least I am happy to know every update bout this institution. So here is the lists of the significance :

    • Medium untuk semua warga MOZAC berhubung, tak kira la apa batch kita sekalipun.
    • Teachers can send information to students from here
    • Segala kejayaan sekolah boleh dikongsikan bersama di sini
    • The seniors and old boys can provide information while the juniors can ask for opinion
    • Segala aktiviti sekolah yang mendatang boleh diupdatekan di sini untuk pengetahuan umum, I know that we have school blog, and I follow it, but it will be even better if we can post it here. Lagi ramai kita boleh kongsikan
    • We can also post pictures of the school activities, I mean lots of them.
    • Bila the current student menghadapi peperiksaan besar seperti SPM dan PMR, kita boleh update di sini biar seluruh warga Muzaffar dari dulu sampai sekarang boleh mendoakan kejayaan mereka bersama. Kan lagi barakah kalau begitu?
    • Tempat untuk luahkan pandangan dan bincang apa sahaja asalkan tidak melampaui batasnya.
    I know maybe some of you rasa tak puas hati saya yang buat group ni, but saya tak nak pun jadi admin group ni, cukuplah sampai group ni dah ramai sampai boleh berddiri sendir. Kalau boleh cikgu yang jadi admin pun boleh. Sebab saya sentiasa nak tahu segalanya tentang MOZAC. Because I am always proud of it. Untill today, everyone that know me, know the fact that I am a product of MOZAC, sebab saya sentiasa cerita pasal MOZAC. MOZAC has always been part of me and your life too. Trust me, group ini akan sangat meriah kalau semua orang contribute. Walaupun nanti kita berpisah  beribu batu, tapi dengan adanya group ini boleh la kita semua keep in touch. Saya tahu ambisi ni mungkin terlalu besar. Tapi saya anak Muzaffar, dan Muzaffar sentiasa mengajar saya untuk berjiwa besar. Jangan pernah kita give up sebelum mencuba. Saya harap group ini dapat sambutan dan sila add siapa saja warga MOZAC yang anda kenal.Kalau ada sesiapa yang ada idea macam mana nak improve kan group ni pun boleh comment dekat saya jugak. Sekian, saya harap kita terus bangga bergelar Anak Muzaffar.

    Nama Harummu Tetap Dijaga

    So kalau ada Muzaffarians yang baca ni, sila dengan gembiranya join group tu ye. We currently have 1059 members. Do join us please. Oh well, I do wish I can be the school's principal before I retired. Well who knows?



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