Tuesday, March 13, 2012

 12:58 PM   Anonymous   ,    4 comments
Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh. This morning I have this urge to write an entry in english. It's been a while since the last time I wrote anything in english. I prefer malay language for my daily routine. Except for the past few days, I've been thinking real deep on how exactly am I going to improve my proficiency when I don't have the platform to practice. After finishing all the asasi class, there will be no more BEL classes for me, so a proper english education is put on hold. I have to make sure that my english will not be rusty plus my ukhti did mention that a daie must be able to master various skills and knowledge, so mastering english for the sake of Allah can also be considered as an ibadah for Him.

The final examination is really just around the corner. Another 3 days to go before I embark on the stressful yet challenging journey. I always wish to skip this part of sitting for final examination because it means you are about to end and reach an epic conclusion of a wonderful year. But more on that later k?

Last saturday and sunday were one of the best weekend I ever had. I got the opportunity to gather around with my PKTR brothers and sisters and we somehow contributed something to alumni. It wasn't anything big at all. In fact, I wish we could do more. Due to our limitations of resources, being a junior facilitator would be suffice for now.

The one out the many things that I learnt during the weekend is the importance of uniformity and proper education. You see, Islam is definitely not the same as any other religion. Islam is spiritually fulfilling and scientifically proven at the same time. Islam is the only way of life. Islam is like no other. Despite of all this special qualities and distinguish characteristic, many muslims do not have the pride in our religion. We are not grateful as we were born with islam, we don't have to struggle for the sake of finding our way towards Allah. This mere perception is slowly killing our ummah. Even worse, many of us just consider islam as our ancestors' culture and neglect our to duty to understand Islam. Shame on us :(

Allah put us on this earth for various reasons and one of it is to preach Islam to the non believers. Many get this idea of dakwah wrongly as they only see dakwah as a verbal communication in order for us to spread the essence of Islam to others. It is true, but verbal communication is just one out of the many other ways.

One of my chinese friend did ask me several questions about islam, specifically on the behaviour and attitude of a muslim. Let us take a look on few of her questions;

1) Why do you have to look somewhere else when you are talking to me? I feel like you are not really talking to me.

2) I still can't touch you right? But how come I can touch the others (referring to other muslim) 

3) Islam don't recognize dating right? Then how can you be so sure that she is the one?

And there is still few other questions on how muslims should behave with others, especially on man and women relationship. It was fun when people ask you about Islam, as they indicate their interest in what we believe. But based on her questions, you can see her confusion.

Muslims, do you know that even if you don't have the intention to, you are always carrying the good name of Islam? The only way for them to understand Islam is through us. We are their only mean. It is important for us not to only embrace Islam but to practice the values in our daily routines as well.

One good example is, in general a muslim cannot touch a women who is not his muhrim. But this teaching is not followed by many of us. Thus, when a few muslim try their best to carry out this principle, the non muslim will get confused on the fact that can muslim freely touch any women who is not his muhrim? Therefore, do not blame the non muslim when they misunderstand us, blame ourselves for not showing a true example. Our ummah is our responsibility.

Fun fact for today, do you guys know the significance of kiblat? The answer is simple, uniformity. Imagine if we don't have a kiblat, people will face different directions when performing their prayer. To avoid confusion we pray in our kiblat direction. The same thing goes to Islam, when we don't have that uniformity, we will have that confusion and we make the non believers confused to. In the Hereafter, Allah will definitely question us on this matter. Due to our poor lack of judgement and ignorance, others may have a wrong perception towards Islam.

This is when proper education comes into action. The problem with our ummah today is, we don't have an efficient islamic education system. We are eager to chase the advancement in technology, science and economy but we never prioritize understanding islam as on of our core business. Surely, Allah will question us again in the hereafter. What have we contribute to our ummah? And what have we done? May Allah guide us all to return to the correct path. I sincerely wish Allah will help my friend to embrace Islam one day. To all of us, try to put a little more effort in helping Islam. Help to spread His religion, and Allah will definitely help you.



Anonymous said...


pemuda ikram said...

Alhamdulillah, syukur sebab anak murid telah ada kesedaran untuk dirinya dan juga bekerja untuk mengajak orang lain ke arah Islam. Cikgu jemput untuk join pertubuhan IKRAM supaya kerja2 Azri lebih tersusun lagi..Cikgu Suriyati

pemuda ikram said...

Alhamdulillah, syukur sebab anak murid cikgu telah mendapat kesedaran untuk memperbaiki diri sendiri ke jalan diredhai Allah dan ada cita-cita untuk memperbaiki orang lain melalui jalan dakwah. Jemput menyertai Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia supaya gerak kerja anda lebih tersusun lagi.

pemuda ikram said...

Alhamdulillah, syukur sebab anak murid telah ada kesedaran untuk dirinya dan juga bekerja untuk mengajak orang lain ke arah Islam. Cikgu jemput untuk join pertubuhan IKRAM supaya kerja2 Azri lebih tersusun lagi..Cikgu Suriyati

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