Monday, June 13, 2011

 8:43 PM   Anonymous      1 comment
Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh. Alhamdulillah, tak sempat update minggu lepas, Allah bagi chance untuk tulis malam ni. So yeah, memandangkan dah berada di universiti, maka masa makin sempit. Makin sikit waktu yang tinggal untuk diri sendiri. So posting kali ini, saya nak cerita sikit pasal kehidupan 3 minggu di UiTM Shah Alam. Yer, saya masuk dengan tak rela, tapi now, UiTm di Hatiku. Haha. But still thinking nak sambung kat sini or kat UM. Arr, tu nanti kita fikirkan. Sekarang I just want to write things that happen here.

Bismillahirahmanirahim, dengan nama Allah, saya mulakan perjalanan menutut ilmu sekali lagi. But this time, bukan lagi mengambil subjek sains but subjek yang saya idam-idamkan selama ini. Yeah, you got it right, it's LAW!!! Overreacting sebentar. Deep in my heart, saya masih jugak tertanya-tanya, betul ke saya nak amik law ni? Law ni sesuai ke dengan jiwa saya? Law ni best ke tak? Thousands of question rush into my mind at the same time. Tapi orang-orang melayu selalu kata, 'Tak kenal maka tak cinta'. So kita hadapinya dulu. Mungkin ini yang terbaik yang dah Allah sediakan untuk kita. Tak perlu lagi bercerita tentang Minggu Destini Siswa, kita jump off terus ke first week in Law Faculty a.k.a The Cempaka. Fakulti undang-undang dekat sini, terdiri daripada 3 buildings, Cempaka 1-3. So basically my kuliah and tutorial hanya revolve around area sini. And I am really grateful of it as the faculty is just across the road, literally. Daripada Perindu College dah boleh nampak dah bangunan tempat study.

Then, I was put into the LWA01A Association. There are 34 of us in this class which sadly consist only 11 boys and the rest are girls (some people will be grateful for this situation kan?). At first memanglah awkward sebab, semua tak kenal satu sama lain except for my new partner in crime, Akhi Naim yang saya kenal dari dulu. But as time progress, we get to know each other and not bad, kitaorang boleh dikatakan satu kepala jugak lah. And this is what I don't really like about this class. Ehemm, without a proper democracy, I was appointed as the Class Representative in other word Class Slave. Urghh... I tought I could run away from responsibilities but can't help it. Why Allah? Dengan menenangkan hati, I pun carry out my duty as proper as possible. Kadang rasa tak ikhlas jer bila kena tinggal kelas untuk pergi photostate or time lecturer suruh stay sebab nak amik nota ataupun kena amik buku for classmates. But my classmates pandai redupkan hati saya, even though they never know it. Haha, saya sangat menghargai sebenarnya, bila saya pass out notes or books or when I am talking in front, they give me excellent cooperation and sentiasa cakap terima kasih. Whoa~ really proud of you guys. And I should also thank Amira, for assisting me.

My studies? Ok la. Sekarang ni baru ada 3 je assingment, tu pun dah berterabur nak buat. Cuma saya selalu kena paksa diri untuk baca buku-buku serta nota-nota law tu. Ada time rasa macam best, and at one time macam boring pulak. Oh, I am going to take 7 courses for this semester which are Introduction to Law, Introduction to Malaysia Government and Politics, Legal Research and Information Skills, Critical Thinking, Intermediate English and Islamic Studies. Haha. Pretty fun sebab my lecturers memang fun dan masing-masing ada personality sendiri. I need to keep up and be the best. Sebab I dream of becoming the General Attorney. One problem though, I don't really understand the legal terms. But then, it's not a big deal. Some of the Article inside Federal Constitution sangat susah untuk difahami tanpa translation. Pening kepala macam ni, tapi kenalah strive kalau nak excel.

Last part is my room. Room 1313 : Where Great Lawyers Are Born. Haha, thank you Allah for providing me such great roomies. Sangat compatible dengan mereka. Cuma belum sempat lagi untuk keluar explore Shah Alam secara berjemaah. Oh dan saya sudah fall in love dengan ABC di Seksyen 2 Shah Alam. Like no other. Duduk dekat sini memang sangat banyak hiburan, dan duit pun senang jer keluar. Allahu bantulah aku dalam urusan kewangan ni. In this one year, InsyaAllah, I am going to learn a lot of things inside and outside lecture. Cuma ini jaminan saya, bukan mudah nak jaga iman dekat sini. So rasanya sampai sini je la dulu. Terima kasih sebab baca this posting which focus on me. Sorry yer kalau x suka. Sekian. Wassalam~

P/s : Saya dah jarang nampak seorang sahabat saya ni, nama jer blaja satu fakulti tapi jarang-jarang bertembung. Ya Allah, Kau luaskanlah masa kami dan berikan aku peluang bertemunya agar aku tahu dia dalam keadaan baik dan sihat. To Anis Atika, I pity you sebab kena study di ladang kelapa sawit. Haha.


Anonymous said...

haha..redho je lah..jgn ad jin bertendang dah..

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