Sunday, July 17, 2011

 1:15 AM   Anonymous   ,    No comments
Assalamualaikumwarahmayullahiwabrakatuh. Hooo... It's been a while kan? Yeah, I notice it. I always have the desire to blog but I don't really have something to say. So to begin this post, still remember when I blogged about the poor me losing my wallet? Well, the night before holidays begin, someone broke into my dormitory and stole three handphones at the same time. One question, why must it be my phone? Do you know that a man without his wallet and hus phone is pretty much nobody or someone without identity. Haha. I miss my Aino. Oh, that's right. I just bought it early in January. It's not even a year yet. Oh,... my dear, Aino.

The best part is, I was really calm. It's not that I don't want to freak out, but I don't see the relevancy of doing it. I mean, what's the point of making a sour face, punching your own locker, or kicking the dustbin just to show that you lost your phone. Kan lebih baik kalau kita berdoa. And that's exactly what I did. Allahu, Engkaulah pemilik segala-galanya, maka Engkau kurniakanlah apa yang hak untuk aku, kalau ia bukan milikku, maka jauhkanlah ia daripadaku. Amin Ya Allah. Alhamdulillah, my parents memahami but I still feel guilty as it was bought using their money.

But the holidays are still on. I went back to Melaka with full of hopes and optimism. This is where I grew up. Pulau Pinang, please don't get hurt. I know I was born there but Melaka is like running through my arteries and veins now. Pulang ke Melaka rasa sangat best sebab dapat tengok rumah, haha. Memang Shah Alam tak de jauh mana, but I wish to stay in Melaka for every moment in my life. True story. So as usual, saya teruskan hidup macam biasa. Normal as in I still go on facebook. And for the first time, I realized facebook can bring happiness to your life. One of my roomates found my phone. They said it was there lying calmly on my study desk. Eh? Weird. He must be the kind hearted type of thief for returning my phone. Thanks to you and Alhamdulillah to You, Allah.

The thing about Aino is its content. I put all my favourite songs inside it. Oh you guys should listen to The Last Carnival by Norihiro Tsuru and this one japan song, No Rain No Rainbow. It is meaningful to me. Plus I need all the contacts and there are all my batch pictures inside it. The pictures mean everything to me. Whenever I missed MOZAC, I browse through all of them. I miss everyone. Hey Aino, while you are gone and I'm stuck here with Nokia X6, I want you to know yu have make me proud all this time and when we meet again, you're gonna help me to make history. You are truely a valuable companion, SE Aino. Wassalam.


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