Thursday, November 10, 2011

 12:02 PM   Anonymous   ,    No comments
Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh. Semalam sempat berkunjung ke sekolah tersayang untuk menghadiri majlis bersara Mdm Ivy Foo. Well, partially attending. Perjalanan semalam yang bertemankan sahabat bernama Faris merangkap rakan berjuang sehidup semati. He is Faris, Head of BADRI 2010. Rasanya ini kali pertama kali bertemu selepas terserempak beliau beberapa bulan yang lalu. Perasaan naik semula ke sekolah dirasakan berbeza kali ini. Sepanjang driving ke atas puncak bukit tu, nyata walaupun sekejap, MOZAC sudah banyak berubah. Terlalu banyak perubahannya sehingga kadang terasa asing. Hati ini sedikit terubat bila berkunjung ke bilik guru. Cikgu-cikgu menyambut penuh mesra hingga tak terjawab kebanyakkan soalan yang disoal. Niat asal, nak pulang awal so terus cari Mdm Ivy, tapi tak kelihatan kat mana-mana. So terpaksa la menunggu. Ramai juniors datang menegur, sekadar menghidupkan semula sillahturahim itu. Bila dah nampak kelibat Mdm Ivy, beliau dah berarak masuk ke majlis. Dengan tekad, saya approach dia menghulurkan hadiah kecil yang dibawa. She insisted for me to stay until the end of the ceremony. Cikgu-cikgu yang lain even offer me to give a brief and short speech, but I have to decline. I'm not up for it yet.

So tunggu la sebentar. Sempat berbual-bual dengan keluarga Mdm Ivy, yang juga menunggu di luar dewan. Her daughter, Sherynne still recognize me. Other than her mom, she helped MOZAC debate team a lot. The thing is, why was my english so rusty? I couldn't pronounce my words properly when we were having conversation. Dush! Shame on me. Kena banyak baca english novels balik ni.

Sementara menanti di luar, Faris and I kept on remembering the past. All those fantastic memories struck us. I still remember, Mdm Ivy is the first person to bring me to the cinema alongside with my other 33 classmates of 2 Alpha. We watched Ratatouille back then. Throughout the five years I owe her a lot. She taught me how to speak confidently, to present myself elegantly. It's true when people say debate is the art of life. She taught us beyond than just debate, she guides us almost in everything. I'm not the only person that she managed to raise. Most of MOZAC's alumni consider her as the best teacher they ever had. I couldn't ask for more. For now I hope she leads a new life with happiness from time to time.

I really hope I can stay a little longer, but the ceremony was dragging and we really have to go. So terpaksa la tinggalkan hadiah tu pada prefects yang bertugas di belakang pentas. Sorry, but I hope I can still have the chance to meet her some time later. Oh well, Faris and I had a little accident too on our way back. Sebuah motosikal melanggar kami dari belakang sewaktu turun dari bukit tu. Untung dapat pengalaman tu. Haha.

"Thank you for turning this tiny microorganism into someone like I am now"



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